I'd get sleazy for Ron Weasly

Yesterday I was stumbling through Pinterest (like most afternoons) and found this awesome Etsy shop. And for my fellow Harry Potter lovers, you'll love it just as well. The shop is called Hannahisawful and actually I think Hannah is pretty awesome. I've already made a list of future buys. Please feel free to gawk as long as you like.

This one is my absolute favorite. 
I love finding great shops on Etsy. Just how cool is her stuff?! Love it.

Have a great day everyone


A Silver Snapshot said...

Haha, love it! I have shirt-love! Yay, for Ron Weasely.

Silver from A Silver Snapshot

Gentri said...

hahahha! Please buy that sweater!

Miranda said...

i love those necklaces!!! so cute!

Elle said...

My little brother would have a heart attack over these ha!

Katie Did What said...

Hahahha LOOOOVE the sweatshirt! I need that, definitely. HUGE HP fan here! :)


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