Ladies of the sidebar

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to reintroduce myself. I'm Kelly and I'm the author of this blog. I've been away for a while because I've been banging my head on my desk for the last few weeks due to school. It has consumed my life and I don't have a single minute to even think about an idea for a blog post. So forgive me and it's nice to meet you all again. I am waiting for finals to be over and to have winter break be here. I am in great need of a break right now. 

I'm going to keep it short and sweet right today, because I want to introduce some gorgeous ladies and I would hate to take the spotlight away from them. Also, like I said I'm fully out of anything to say. So without further ado, here they are! 

Hi there! I"m Erin and I live on the internet over at Hooley with a "z". In the real world, I live in Minnesota, a.k.a. the tundra. My blog is a place where I can squawk about my life, where I share both my the everyday silly and the not so silly stuff. I am a big fan of my husband ( I call him Mister Man), baking delicious things and using proper capitalization. I'm so happy to meet you all, and hope you stop by and say "hello!"
My Thanksgiving favorite: sweet potatoes! Not the kind with marshmallows on top, that's too sweet for me, just plain old mashed sweet potatoes with butter and salt. There is something about the orange color maybe? All I know is that somehow half my plate gets filled up with that particular dish.

Hi! I'm Zia! I'm a college student and blogger from Indonesia who has a passion to travel the world.  Ispent a year in Minnestoa when  I was 17 as an exchange student and right now I go to a university in Germany. I'm passionate about technology and business and aspiring to have a career that combines these two aspects. On my blog, I write about my life here in Breman, occasional culture shocks, random silly things that happen around me, my dreams, things that interest me, and my musings of life. I hope you stop by and stay a whole! 
I've only experiences Thanksgiving once in my life, at my host dad's family. I remember that we had a lot of food and  I really liked the turkey! The most memorable experience though. Before we ate, we formed a cirlce and everyone took a turn saying what they were most thankful about for the year, and it's really nice to feel the gratitude atmosphere in the room! 

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