first day of senior year

Yesterday marked the start of my senior year of college and probably not my last year. I started out at a new school, which was both nerve racking and exciting. Being on a new campus was a thrill for me, however getting lost in a building with a million classrooms is like trying to find the exit to a maze that doesn't have one. 

I had a few breaks in between my classes yesterday so I popped a squat in a nice shaded area with a picnic table and did some people watching while eating my lunch. After about an hour of this, I realized that the school I now go to has a very interesting bunch of people. 

Here are the thought that ran through my head during this time...

"That crop top is a little to cropped and probably not the shirt to be wearing to school."

"That's a lot of dread locks for one couple."

"That's a very interesting weave you have there."

"It is way to early in the morning to be wearing a skirt that short." 

"I don't understand why you're on a bike if you're peddling as fast as I'm walking." 

"My class is at 3...(2 minutes later) wait when does my class start?"

"So tell me again why it was a good idea to wear a mini skirt and ride your bike to class?" 

"I guess I'm going to need to get a penny board if I want to fit in here."

It was an interesting first day. 


Unknown said...

I'm a 5th year senior and not sure when I will be graduating.. Where are you going to school?

Brittany said...

Year number five over here!! Hoping to be done soon, aka in May :) hope you love your new school

Courtlyn Ash said...

You gotta love people right!? So jealous that you started a new school! I've been stuck in the same one for three years on my fourth and I'm so ready to be out! I guess grad school will be my change in location ;)

Nina the selfish seamstress said...

"That's a lot of dread locks for one couple." HA! Well, at least you'll never be bored!

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