happiness is...

Update: big improvement on my health from yesterday. I actually got up and went to class today. I finally have energy to do something, still hackin' up a lung though. Hopefully tomorrow I'm 100% better. 

So today's post is all about happy things. In one of my English classes back in my freshman or sophomore year of high school we were asked to write a poem that begin with Happiness is... and we were to write single sentences on things that made us smile, laugh, or just plain happy. I was thinking about that poem today and how it's still shoved somewhere in the crevices of my closet and thought I would write another one on the things that I think are happiness today. 

Happiness is...

shuffling to a song on Itunes that you forgot about.
coming home from a hard day and cuddling with your sleepy kitty.
sleeping in and waking up without an alarm.
the smell of firewood.
the weather turning into Spring time. 
a good long laugh with your best friend.
making dinner for someone you love.
 dancing alone in your room.
smiling at a stranger.
being with someone who gives you butterflies.
getting lost in a good television series (Supernatural!). :)
being called beautiful.

Happiness is the simple things in life. 

xo, k

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